Emoncms Feed Engine - Histogram/Redis


I am looking at the various feed engines included in emoncms, trying to better understand their functionality.
Have 2 questions based on that:

1). The Histogram feed type strikes me as not working.
After having created a feed engine of this type and viewing the data, the graph is blank.
I see that the JSON request when clicking on view is ".../emoncms/feed/histogram.json?&id=21&start=0&end=0&res=1".
Is it meant that start=end=0, rendering this feed engine non-functional ?
Also the data stored in the MySQL table contains only zero values for "data" and "data2".

2). How does Redis integrate in the feed engine storage ?
What kind of temporary data is stored in Redis and where is this data stored later ?


TrystanLea's picture

Re: Emoncms Feed Engine - Histogram/Redis

Hello Christophe, you might be interested in the documentation here describing how the feed engines work: https://github.com/openenergymonitor/documentation/tree/master/BuildingB...

Histograms should work, end=0 automatically gets the current time: https://github.com/emoncms/emoncms/blob/master/Modules/feed/engine/Histo...

Good to hear your interest in how it works!



christophe_meyers's picture

Re: Emoncms Feed Engine - Histogram/Redis

Hi Trystan,

Thanks for your reply.
Over the time investigating Open Energy Project & Emoncms, I am familiar that all the documentation has been moved to Github as well.

Maybe I can show the JSON urls generated when creating/viewing Histogram feed type.
    * When creating histgram feed
      -> implying that "interval":"10", matching the default rate of emonTX transmission is passed
    * When viewing

Still no data on the Histogram graph and only 0 values in the MySQL table.
I went through the php script and do not see what is not working.
There are alternative feed engines, so not too much of a problem.
Just strange that it doesn't work.

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