Packetgen and button on dashboard

Hi all

now that i figured how to setup the extended branch and get mysql running i wanted to add something more

i came across this one

and i thought i could use a single button like that for my heating, right now it runs for 2 hours each morning and that is ok in most cases.

thou there are some times that i get up before there is hot water for a shower and i need to set the alarmclock 1 hour in advance, get up and turn heating on, then back to bed and sleep and then up like i planned

a simple button could work as i could then turn on the heating from the bed..

ideal a small box with on and off times and enable, i dont need a full week schedule with multiple periods a day since this is just for those rare days


like the demo said i tried to dump all the files in a folder under modules but that crippled every page in emoncms


have anybody tried like i want before?


i did manage to make a sketch for emontx v2 that are able to both collect data and control the hotwater via a relay, at least it compiles and the logic seems simple enough. just need to find the time to test it

boelle's picture

Re: Packetgen and button on dashboard

this one is just to get an e-mail when there are a reply... the options where not below the text box on the initial post

boelle's picture

Re: Packetgen and button on dashboard

no one done this before and can share how?

boelle's picture

Re: Packetgen and button on dashboard

really? no one tried this yet?

pb66's picture

Re: Packetgen and button on dashboard

boelle's picture

Re: Packetgen and button on dashboard



still a bit confusing to me... i get that i need to draw the botton on the dashboard and create a feed for it


but then i'm lost on how make the feed value send out the packet to the emonTX


i liked the youtube video trystan made for his boiler, but a more in depth desciption would have been nice

boelle's picture

Re: Packetgen and button on dashboard

no rush...


the dials etc does not show up, even thou dashboard and feeds are set to public


EDIT: basicly this is what i want:


but with a bottom next to the cylinder on the dasboard so i can tell the OpenTRV unit to heat up on those rare cases where i need hot water at odd events

boelle's picture

Re: Packetgen and button on dashboard

revisting this one again....


i read that other thread and it was only  confusing to me


or maybe i understand it correct.... that zip contains the js file that is the widget right?

and that creates the button seen in the post made Thu, 08/01/2015 - 09:11


so i assume that this button just changes the feed value.... 

but how can i now change a value in the packet generator?

boelle's picture

Re: Packetgen and button on dashboard

read this blog:

i copied over the demo files and i got the myheating page... but that page never shows any of the buttons


EDIT: now the nest dial shows up... but since i have not figured how to change settings etc it reads NAN all over

i was hoping to see the simple button only

EDIT2: think i got it.... /emoncms/myheating/button is the link for the button... now i just need to get it to work :-P

EDIT: in packetgen i hit reload default packet and i can now change the button... but it does not change the value from false to true and vice versa

boelle's picture

Re: Packetgen and button on dashboard

btw... will packetgen also find its way to V9 ?

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